Tammy Mcclure Tammy Mcclure
How To Add a Gravatar or Picture to Your Blog Comments

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Have you ever went to leave a comment on a persons blog and wonder how you can show your gravatar or picture like the other commentators.

First let’s define a gravatar. Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you comment or post on a blog.

I have my cool gravatar thanks to a wonderful video post by Katie Freiling.  Now you can too! Check out this wonderful and simple quick tutorial video where Katie shows you how to do it: http://www.katiefreiling.com/gravatar/.

Why You Need A Gravatar?

Your picture will help the blog owner and readers be able to put a face to the great and thoughtful comments that you make. Your comments also help you to get exposure especially if you are adding value to the community. Lastly, people will identify you more easily and recognize you throughout the different blog sites you visit.

So was it simple? I sure thought so. Please leave a comment and let me see your beautiful picture.

Don’t forget to test your new gravatar out by thanking Katie and leaving a  comment on her blog.

Please make sure you share this with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, and other social communities!

Like me by clicking  on my cool gravatar Face Book Fan Page.

Till the next time….Live on Purpose & Make it Happen

arrow6 Responses

  1. 166 mos ago

    Thx Tammy for this intructions

  2. admin
    166 mos ago

    Tanisha, thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  3. 165 mos, 3 wks ago

    Hey Tammy found your Gravatar post Cool post, don’t you find that most of the comments on your blog with out a gravatar are usually spam or is it just me?

  4. admin
    165 mos, 3 wks ago

    Graham, I do find spam but I also find people who like me, simply didn’t know how to add. By the way, I love your gravatar :-)

  5. 165 mos ago

    Hi Tammie! I definitely agree with you about the importance of a gravatar. It gives you a better insight to the person who is posting the comment. I also live in Louisville, and would love to connect with you.
    Linda M Davis recently posted..Disciplining Your Time…In Your Daily Life!My ComLuv Profile

  6. admin
    165 mos ago

    Hi Linda, thanks for stopping by. I look forward to meeting you here in Louisville.

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