Archive for the ‘Personal Development’ Category

12 June 2011  No Comments


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Linear income is when you work for money. This type of income is usually made by working for someone else. This income earning strategy is employed by approximately 96% of our population. This strategy is also known as trading time for money. Typically you get paid once for every hour you work. If you want more money, you need to put in more hours of work. No work = no money.

Residual income is when money works for you. This is where you multiply your time through the efforts of others. Think network marketing, song writers, authors. The work is done once but you are paid multiple times every time someone purchases your product. You don’t have to show up to work to collect the money. The money comes to you.

Bob Proctor, best-selling author of You Were Born Rich, gives a formula for earning money.

Determine how much you want to earn. Write it down on a sheet of paper. Take the total figure and divide it into multiple parts. Each part represents a source of income. Each source of income represents a separate reward that you would receive for a service you would render. Work on one source of income at a time.

Four considerations:

  • Think of how you can do whatever you do – more effectively.
  • Think of how you can improve the quality and quantity of service you render.
  • Think of how you can help people in a greater way.
  • Money is a servant; the more you earn, the more you can help others.

There is no better time than the present to start earning residual income and living the life that others dream about. Money is no respect of person – education, gender, or politics cannot stop YOU from getting the money that you deserve.

Till the next time…Live on Purpose and Make it Happen

19 April 2011  No Comments

The Power of Creating a Mastermind Group

Who has not heard of Napoleon Hill? And indeed, who has not heard of his classic Think and Grow Rich? The book, published in 1937, contains great ideas that have made their impact upon the whole world all through these years and are relevant even today.

Masterminding is two or more individuals coming together to accomplish more than either could alone. The thought is working together creates harmony and purposeful relationships. This group helps to bring out your creative genius and expand your ideas into greatness.

The secret sauce is that each one knows that the ultimate aim is to reach your destination by brainstorming, supporting ideas that need support but at the same time offering constructive criticism.

Each member should remember that it is the group to which the agenda belongs. All members are expected to participate in order to move the group to new heights.

A sincere mastermind group offers experience to members. Your ability to grow and become a better individual in your personal and business life is highly likely. This is assuming that like minded people are coming together. The greatest asset that you have is a ready-made support network. Other benefits include: confidence builder, accountability partners, and feedback.

Who can create a successful mastermind group?

People who see themselves as:

• interacting with people of similar interests and skills.

• committed to a give and take relationship.

• laser focused and goal oriented

• passionate about taking their success to the next level

• committed to the cause to help and be helped.

Your mastermind group does not have to be formal. Many of you are probably part of a powerful group but have not officially formed or titled your group. Examples: military groups, book clubs, mom or dad groups, other support groups. All of these groups can be formed into more powerful alliances at any given time.

Initially, the ideal number of members should not be more than 6. New members can be admitted, provided they meet the quality standards that should be in place. It is recommended that new members have the approval of all the existing members. A membership fee can be imposed.

Questions to ask potential members of your mastermind group:

1. Are you committed to your own goals?

2. Are you willing to commit to helping others reach their goals?

3. Will you commit to weekly, bi-weekly or monthly meetings?

4. What skills have you developed that will benefit the group?

5. What skills can the group provide to you to assist in your endeavors?

Ways to meet:

Mastermind groups can meet in person, on the telephone, or by tele-conferencing. During the meeting, each member should update the group on what has happened since the last meeting, including new opportunities or obstacles. Have members ask for resources if needed at this time.

Great resource to create your own Mastermind Group:

Till next time…Live on Purpose and Make it Happen

14 April 2011  2 Comments

Eight Steps That Separate the Minority From The Majority In Business

Are you in the game or in the bleachers when it comes to being a success in your business?

The top business people of the world follow several principals that puts them in the MINORITY, gives them the slight edge and separates them from the MAJORITY.

Here are eight tips to make sure you are part of the MINORITY.

1. Define your WHY. Have a why that is unstoppable. A why that makes you cry. A why that WOWS you.

2. Vision Board. Without a vision you will perish. Your dream will not be a reality until you remove it from your head and put it on paper. Create your vision board today.

3. Coaching & Mentoring Sessions. Partner with a great coach and then find a mentor. By doing so, you can shave several months or possibly years off of your learning curve.

4. Mastermind & Alliances. Two or more individuals coming together can accomplish more than either could alone. This can be a formal or informal group. Great reading – Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

5. Seminars & Live Events. The top minority always attend various events. They recognize that relationships and joint ventures are formed at these type of events. The minority also know that it’s the meeting after the meeting is where you forge deeper connections.

6. Books & Audio Tapes. Always a student is one of my own favorite quotes. Personal Development is imperative to your success. Books and audio tapes provide a great source for you to continue to elevate your mind and stay on course with your WHY and mission.

7. Charity. Give back to charity and other worthy causes. Many of the top minority combine forces and give on a grand scale.

8. Lastly, the top minority know it’s not the TOOLS that people are attracted to. It is YOU. People only do business with people they know like or trust.

The above steps are great steps to get started. Some will take more time than others but when combined together, you are unstoppable and you will be in the MINORITY.

See you at the Top!

Till next time, Live on Purpose and Make it Happen.

28 February 2011  No Comments

Tip of the Day

Review your goals today.  Are you on target? If so, Congratulations. If not – review, adjust, regroup and keep moving forward.

4 February 2011  2 Comments


My grandma used to say “anything worth having is worth working for.” I have to agree with grandma. However we are at a time when so many people are looking for a get rich magic potion that will fall out of the sky all while not putting in the work and getting their jersey dirty.

Getting rich takes time and effort unless you have that rich uncle or a winning lottery ticket.

Robert Kiyosaki defines the law of compensation as returns are minimal in spite of massive effort at the start, yet returns can be massive with minimal effort over time.

Those who are in the trenches realize that if you press relentlessly in pursuit of your dreams and goals, you will be rewarded for the fruits of your labor.

Now this will require patience. There will be disappointments and days you feel like throwing the towel in. You may even question yourself, is this worth it. The person who wins the race is the one that keeps going in spite of the naysayers, in spite of not being able to see the finish line. They have a don’t stop won’t stop mentality.

I am reminded of reading Jordan Adlers’ story in his book, Beach Money. Jordan tells the story of not making a penny in network marketing until his twelfth marketing company. Today, Jordan makes a seven figure income and is richly rewarded for not giving up. Wow, now that is what I call relentless.

The question is do you have what it takes while in the building phase you have yielded a small amount of money or perhaps none. Most people won’t, they decide it’s not worth the time.

Think of the magic of compounding interest. It all starts with one penny. Then like magic, you are compensated with extra money BUT it all started with one penny. Building a house requires one brick at a time. Brick by brick and then one day, you have your dream home BUT it all started with one brick.

First lesson, find your passion and then GET STARTED.

Next, get training, a great coach, a mastermind group, and add personal development to your plan.

Last, never ever, ever give up on yourself and your dreams in spite of the circumstances and regardless of the situation.

Till next time…..Live on purpose and make it happen,

4 January 2011  10 Comments

Do you have Your PDP (Personal Development Plan) for 2011?

Think of your PDP as a roadmap to success for your life.  Your PDP gives you clarity for your goals and is also your accountability partner. This roadmap is your NO EXCUSE zone. Be flexible and adjust as you go along.

So what areas of your life would you like to improve or develop?  Possible areas: spiritual, family, financial, physical, personal, family or any other developmental area.

Personally, I have a PDP for my kids. This includes select areas where I am helping to shape and develop them. My daughter loves to draw. Actually cartooning is one of her favorite things to do.  I enrolled her in a cartooning art class. She loved this class and it expanded her mind and helped her to develop even more details and vivid colors with her cartooning and other art projects that she loves to draw.  What a great confidence booster. This is one example but should give you a starting point for your kids.

So we have our list. Now we are ready for the next step.

Step 2

If you have never completed a PDP skip this step until you get to Step 8. Step 2 should be a review of last year. Did you accomplish everything you wanted to last year? Make an accomplishment list. Often we get caught up achieving goals but do not take the time to stop and give ourselves a pat on the back. Why is this important? This is to remind you that you are a goal setter and more importantly, a goal achiever.

Step 3

We are now ready to fill in our development areas. Be as detailed as possible for each area. For example, if you want to lose weight or gain weight, write down how much and the date that you would like to reach your goal. I will lose 15 lbs by June 6th is more definitive than merely stating I will lose 15 lbs. This creates a sense of urgency.

Step 4

Create a WHY. Why do you want to start a business, lose weight, run a 5k, volunteer. Buckle down because this why will serve as your reminder for the days that you want to quit or make excuses.

Step 5

For those areas that you assigned a date, mark them on your calendar or put them in your phone as a reminder. Find an accountable partner if necessary. Review your goals periodically to make sure you are on track.

Step 6

Create a vision board for your goals. Let’s say that you plan to pay off a loan. Write a check for the amount due and the date that you plan to pay this debt. Place this check on your board to serve as a reminder and create a sense of urgency. Saving for your dream vacation this year – put a picture of that exact place on your board.  This is also a good time to create a vision board for your kids.

Step 7

Celebrate you! Reward yourself for small victories. Get back on track and keep hammering at your goals.

Step 8

Year-end-review.  How did you do?  High five to you on the areas that you conquered.  Did you lose sight on some goals?  Figure out why and laser in what you need to do to make this goal a reality for next year.

Remember aim high and if you reach for the moon you have a greater chance to fall somewhere amongst the stars. Get in the NO EXCUSE ZONE for this year. This is your year, you can do it. See you at the finish line!

I would love to hear your goals. Please feel free to comment.

Till the next time….

28 December 2010  No Comments

Internet Coach or Mentor – Which One Do You Need?

Look anywhere on the internet and you will find someone who calls themselves a coach. You will see such title as Network Marketing Coach, Professional Success Coach, Internet Marketing Mentor.

So What is the Difference Between Coaching & Mentoring

The coach teaches you how to develop the skills you need for your industry or a specific task. The coach helps to improve the student’s performance. Coaching often is for a short period. Once the task is learned, often the coaching ends.

Mentoring is developing a long relationship over a period of time. The mentor helps the mentee to see the issues that are impacting his or her success. Mentoring involves developing for the future as well.

So Do You Need One or the Other?

You need both. A coach can teach you and share tips about Internet Marketing and Social Media and virtually help you shave off 18 –24 months of your learning time.

A mentor can help you to see your impact over time. Often times, the relationship starts off as coaching but develops into a mentor/mentee experience.

So let me give you the tips to make sure you partner with a great coach.

Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.

Qualities you should be looking for:

1.    The coach is knowledgeable and can find the answer if they do not have the answer handy.

2.    The coach is resourceful. The coach has tools and or resources to help you get started or point you in the right direction.

3.    The coach is available and returns your phone calls. Be reasonable and do not waste his or her time.

4.    The coach has a coach/mentor. Any great coach will tell you that he or she learned from someone else.

At the end of the day, a coach or mentor means nothing if you don’t have the sheer determination to do what it takes to get to the finish line. Both can give you a blueprint, share tips and maybe give you the occasional pep talk but it will be YOU that will have to put your butt in gear and make it happen.

My challenge to my readers and to myself is to live on purpose and make it happen. Take it brick by brick to build the business you desire. Remember as you are building your business you also need a personal development plan (PDP). I will cover that in another article.

Till the next time……

13 December 2010  12 Comments

Do You Have A Winning Mindset

Do You Have A Winning Mindset?

My twins who are six years old played in their very first Chess tournament this past Saturday. My husband and I didn’t want to get their hopes up too high. We said “this is your first tournament, you are going to learn, have fun, it doesn’t matter whether your win – we just want you to get some experience.”

My son says “mommy, it is not okay if I don’t bring a trophy home.”  Now of course, the mom in me didn’t want him to be let down in case he didn’t win a trophy. I said, “Let’s see what happens.” He told me I am coming home with a trophy.

Check him out, studying and concentrating on his next move.

Studying My Next Move

Now check him out. He did it; he came home with the trophy.  Simply because he believed in his mind and heart that he was a winner before he even set foot in the building. The take away is winning first starts in your head and heart and no matter whether you win or lose you will have started off with the right mindset and in the end you win.

My 1st Chess Tournament - I Won a Trophy!