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My grandma used to say “anything worth having is worth working for.” I have to agree with grandma. However we are at a time when so many people are looking for a get rich magic potion that will fall out of the sky all while not putting in the work and getting their jersey dirty.
Getting rich takes time and effort unless you have that rich uncle or a winning lottery ticket.
Robert Kiyosaki defines the law of compensation as returns are minimal in spite of massive effort at the start, yet returns can be massive with minimal effort over time.
Those who are in the trenches realize that if you press relentlessly in pursuit of your dreams and goals, you will be rewarded for the fruits of your labor.
Now this will require patience. There will be disappointments and days you feel like throwing the towel in. You may even question yourself, is this worth it. The person who wins the race is the one that keeps going in spite of the naysayers, in spite of not being able to see the finish line. They have a don’t stop won’t stop mentality.
I am reminded of reading Jordan Adlers’ story in his book, Beach Money. Jordan tells the story of not making a penny in network marketing until his twelfth marketing company. Today, Jordan makes a seven figure income and is richly rewarded for not giving up. Wow, now that is what I call relentless.
The question is do you have what it takes while in the building phase you have yielded a small amount of money or perhaps none. Most people won’t, they decide it’s not worth the time.
Think of the magic of compounding interest. It all starts with one penny. Then like magic, you are compensated with extra money BUT it all started with one penny. Building a house requires one brick at a time. Brick by brick and then one day, you have your dream home BUT it all started with one brick.
First lesson, find your passion and then GET STARTED.
Next, get training, a great coach, a mastermind group, and add personal development to your plan.
Last, never ever, ever give up on yourself and your dreams in spite of the circumstances and regardless of the situation.
Till next time…..Live on purpose and make it happen,